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Becoming Conscious of What You Create.

"From the perspective of the ego, you are separate from
everything so there is the assumption that your actions have
no impact outside of this moment.

But when you recognize everything is one consciousness,
then you realize everything you do inwardly and outwardly
has an impact.

If your attention is invested in thoughts & actions of conflict,
self righteousness, revenge, arrogance, selfishness,
disrespecting others, blaming others then you are moving
yourself away from love.

When you give your attention to empowering your ego, your
sense of me, you are empowering the feeling of being separate
and therefore you move into greater unhappiness & conflict. 

That is the outcome.

Where as if these negative thoughts arise, and you surrender
them, you don't get involved with them but let them go,
you are surrendering ego, you are surrendering your
sense of separateness and moving deeper into oneness.

If your attention is on awareness itself, on love, on peace, on respecting others, on surrender, on spiritual practices or techniques, then your attention moves into the oneness that is at the source of everything. You feel the ever deepening vibration peace.

This seems quite self explanatory but so many get caught up in investing attention on egotistical things and then wonder why life has become so miserable.

Thinking patterns that move from one conflict and judgment to another and then the result is unhappiness, an unhappy life.

And then you feel like a victim, which is just another trick of the ego.

Most of our negative patterns are habitual; automatic. We are either not conscious of them or if we are, we justify them; we give them a reason, an excuse, which only gives them more power.

So it is very important to become aware of your thought patterns.
Not to try and control them, just to be aware of them. To be conscious of your thoughts, conscious of your actions.

This is not about positive thinking over negative thinking as positive thinking can also empower the ego.  Rather, I am saying become sensitive to what you are creating in every moment and make a commitment to peace.

Are you empowering the ego, the sense of 'me' and thus closing the door to your heart,
or are you willing to be open, humble and vulnerable to this moment; to make this moment a meditation or act of devotion and surrender deeper into peace and oneness.

Unhappiness arises because our attention is habitually fixated on it.  That is why mantras, japa, meditation techniques that you can do anywhere and keep you focused on peace can be very powerful tools.

It takes a big commitment to surrender the ego, that sense of being right, that sense of making everything about 'me.'  To surrender that to peace in every moment.  
But the result is you learn that you can create a life of bliss.

You can turn every moment into a meditation.  It is just a matter of making the commitment to peace and becoming aware of what you are creating.

Much love,


Kundalini Shakti Meditation Music

After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created meditation music that transmits Shaktipat (Grace) to the listener through sound, allowing you to experience deep states of meditation & bliss very quickly regardless of which meditation technique you practice.

Thousands of people have reported experiencing incredible states of meditation, bliss & spiritual awakenings while meditating to his CDs like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" and "Shakti Silence"

Kip is also known for his no-nonsense teachings on meditation & surrender and meditates with people all over the world to help awaken them to their natural state of unconditional peace.
kip mazuy
To Hear Free Samples of This "Shaktipat Music"
Click on the Links Below:
deep meditation
Click Here to Hear Free Samples
of the Pure Shakti Deep Meditation Music
meditation music
Click Here to Hear Free Samples
of The Infinite Sky Meditation Music
Shakti Energy
Click Here to Hear Free Samples of Shakti Silence