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Interview with Kip Mazuy
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Love is Your Essence

Please Note:

The easiest way to awaken your heart into unconditional love and Self Realization is by receiving Shakti, the energy vibration of enlightenment.

In the past you could only receive Shakti through a fully enlightened Guru, but now you can also receive the transmission of Shakti
through sound.

By listening to CDs like Infinite Sky or The Pure Shakti CDs, you receive Shakti & are naturally awakened into deep meditation and unconditonal love.
surrender yoga
Experience The Bliss for Yourself:
consciousness energy
Click Here to Hear Free Samples
of the Pure Shakti Deep Meditation Music
Click Here to Hear Free Samples
of The Infinite Sky Meditation Music
Click Here to Hear Free Samples of The Calling

After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created a revolutionary sound technology that transmits Kundalini Shakti to the listener through sound, allowing you to experience deep states of meditation & bliss very easily. 

Thousands of people have reported experiencing incredible states of meditation, bliss and spiritual awakenings while meditating to his CDs like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" and "The Calling." 

Kip is also known for his no-nonsense teachings on meditation and self realization and meditates with people all over the world to help awaken them to their natural state of peace.

Sign Up to Receive The Free Weekly Meditation Teachings  That Will Directly Help You Deepen Your Meditation & Unconditional Love

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Satsang / Meditations with Kip

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Teachings on love is the essence, essence of love, love is your essence
"On the outer level,
you cannot have life without death.
Everything lives and everything dies.

Everything that has been given to you
can and will at some point be taken away.

But if you accept that,
and that does not mean
to be okay with it on some emotional level,
but rather to be completely surrendered to that truth,
then you become truly alive in this moment.

When you accept that everything that lives will die,
your heart opens up into this moment.

Your heart becomes acutely aware
of the feeling of life in this moment.

If you surrender yourself as you are to this moment,
accepting all of your fears and insecurities
and whatever is here,
then you begin to awaken to what life truly is.

You begin to realize the very nature of everything
is love, is peace, is bliss.

No matter what mood may be projected outwardly,
this unconditional love is permeating that mood;
it is the source of that mood.

This love is the energy from where
all experience is born
and at the same time
it is completely transcendent of all experience.

So how you are in this moment is the doorway to bliss.

If you give your attention to feeling this, allowing this,
sinking into the essence of that which is here,
then you will live in profound peace.

It is not a one time thing.
You learn to live here in complete surrender
in a forever state of letting go.

And in that,
some of the more chaotic emotions do get purified
but that is really beside the point.

Your lover may have on a nice dress
but it is not the dress you love at all.
It would not matter if she was covered in mud.
You would love her the same.

It is like that.
No matter what the outer appearance,
that love is always the same underneath.

Much love,
