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After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created meditation music that transmits to you the direct experience of bliss (Shakti) allowing you to experience deep states of meditation very quickly.

Thousands of People Have Experienced Incredible States of Meditation, Bliss &  Witness Consciousness While Meditating to His CDs Like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" &  "Shakti Silence."

You Can Hear Samples of This "Shakti Meditation Music" by clicking on the links below:

Shakti Energy
Click Here to Hear Free Samples of Shakti Silence
Listen to a Sample of This Kundalini Energy Awakening Music on Youtube

Witness Consciousness:
How to Witness Thoughts
in Meditation

To attain witness consciousness, first you need to be able to tell the difference between witnessing a thought versus getting identified with it in meditation.

If a thought arises 'I would like an ice-cream' and you consider yourself the 'I' in that sentence that wants an ice-cream, that is identification. Your attention grabs hold of the thought and makes it about "me."

If that same thought arises and you just notice it as a thought arising, without being involved in the thought, that is the beginning of witness consciousness. The thought arises and disappears and you remain aware. 

In this you see the thought that you want an ice-cream arose on it's own.  You did not want an ice-cream, the desire arose on it's own and you either identified with it or you witnessed it.

So in witness meditation, you don't bother trying to stop the thought from arising. That only creates conflict.  You simply watch it arise and disappear without grabbing hold of it.  You allow the flow of thoughts and feelings while resting in the allowing of it.  When you rest in the allowing of it, you are aware, you are a witness of what is, not involved with it.

It is like walking by a television that is on.  You notice the television and you let it go.  You don't sit down and watch it.  You do not become engrossed in it.  It is there, making noise and you are aware of it.   And because  you are aware of it, what noise it is making does not affect you.  You remain at peace.

But if you sit down and watch it, your attention becomes engrossed in the noise that is being played on the television.  Your attention moves from being free of the television, to identifying with the content.  You get caught up in the conflict, the fantasies.

When you identify with your thinking, there is a contraction that happens.  Attention, that is completely free and formless, contracts into a narrow experience of identifying with thoughts and the sense of being a "me" separate from everything else is created.  That "me" is really just an identification with thinking. 

But when you allow this moment to be completely as it is, you remain open and everything can simply flow through.  Everything simply is.  There is deep peace in this.  The sense of separateness fades.   Everything happens in awareness and the nature of awareness is bliss.

Practicing remaining a witness in meditation like this leads to witness consciousness,
where all identification with thought breaks and witnessing is the natural state  This is deeply peaceful and already there is a sense of freedom and joy in it. 

Remaining in witness consciousness like this, your awareness can expand to the point that all personal thinking about your life can dissappear for a while.  You move into a more subtle realm of thought where you are completely free of yourself as you know yourself to be.  You move out of being a name and form with a history, desires and worries and into formless consciousness and bliss where wonderous experiences can occur.



witness consciousness

Witness Consciousness Part 2

There is no end to trying to figure it out.  The mind  is an endless puzzle  that has no solution.   If it had a solution,  that would be the end of the reign of mind, and the mind does not want that.

The mind wants to exist and it gets it's power from you identifying with it.  And so it continues to grab your attention any which way it can.   Just like a TV channel.  The TV channel's purpose is to keep you watching.

That is what the mind wants.  That is how it maintains its sense of existence, its sense of importance.  

So you are sitting there and the TV channel puts you on a tropical island  with beautiful people, then you are flying an airplane, then you are chasing bad guys.   But it has nothing to do with what is actually happening.

What is actually happening is you are sitting on the couch,  drinking a cup of tea.  But in your experience, there is no couch or tea. How could there be when you are flying an airplane?

It is the same with mind.  The thoughts are constantly grabbing your attention. And so the world you know to be real is made up of your thoughts.

But if you really look beyond your thinking at what is here, you would experience something totally different than what the mind perceives. Something that even if I tried to describe to you, you would miss.

Because then it would become  knowledge, it would become an interpretation of what is actually here.   For you to truly find out  what is here beyond interpretation, you have to look.

It is this looking that is most important, it is the witnessing what is here
that sets you free.  Whether you are witnessing thoughts, witnessing sensations  it is all about the witnessing, not the objects themselves.

Not the knowledge  of what you witnessed a second ago,  but the looking right here and now.  Not witnessing to get something, because then you are back in the mind.

The witnessing itself is fulfillment.

The witnessing itself is joy.

This is the key to freedom.

