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Cosmic Consciousness
& Third Eye Awakening Experience


After a profound spiritual awakening into cosmic consciousness, Kip Mazuy created a revolutionary sound technology that transmits Kundalini Shakti to the listener through sound, allowing you to experience deep states of meditation & bliss very easily. 

Thousands of People Have Experienced Incredible States of Meditation, Bliss &  No-Mind While Meditating to His CDs Like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" &  "Shakti Silence."

Kip is also known for his no-nonsense teachings on meditation and self realization and meditates with people all over the world to help awaken them to their natural state of peace.

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If you want to experience cosmic consciousness or third eye awakening like this above, it is necessary to receive Shaktipat, the energy that awakens you into enlightenment.

In the past,  you could only receive shaktipat from a fully enlightened guru.  But now  you can also receive shaktipat through sound at home.  Simply by listening to some unique "Shaktipat Music" you are awakened into deep meditation.

You can listen to free samples of this "Shaktipat Music" by clicking on the links below:
I was in an ashram in India.  I was not really sure what I was doing there.  Only 3 weeks before I made the sudden decision to go.  I was not expecting anything, especially not an experience of cosmic consciousness.

A monk came into the room dressed in yellow robes.  The other monks
were helping him sit down.  It was obvious he was in a very high state.
This monk in yellow was to give us shaktipat, place his hands on our
head and transfer his enlightened state to us in the room.

One by one people were led up to the monk.  Finally it was my turn. 
He put his hands on my head.  I felt the energy but nothing that gave
me any idea of what was about to happen.

I was led back to my spot where I lied down on my back.  I lied there
in a meditative state.  Eventually, we were told we could get up and go
to lunch when we were ready.  I stayed for a while afterward, enjoying
my meditation.  Nothing big happening.  An intense amount of energy in the third eye (just between and slightly above the eyebrows) so that there was pain there.  I had experienced this thousands of times before so was not surprised and simply watched the energy move.

After a while, I got up and very slowly walked towards the dining hall.   I walked along the dusty dirt rode along the ashram grounds, still watching this intensity in my third eye.  It was sunny and a typical South Indian hot day where it feels as though you are walking in a big clay oven.

Suddenly, my walking came to a halt.  There was something peculiar.  I could not figure out what was different, but something was very different.  As I could not tangibly notice anything, I continued to walk.  This happened a few times, stopping, noticing something out of the ordinary but could not figure out what.

But after the third time,  I took a step forward and as my right foot touched
the ground,  it felt as though it went right through the solid ground as though
neither the ground nor my foot were solid but just energy.   And in that, rushes
of the most incredibly ecstatic bliss rose from the ground through my foot,
up my leg and through my entire body then out of the top of my head.  

I stood there absolutely lost in incredible ecstasy.  The surge of
energy was so strong and blissful I could not move for several minutes.
Then as I  took another step with my left foot, the same rush of ecstasy
rushed through my body.  Bliss gushing through my body with every step. 
Unbelievable bliss.  More than anything I had ever experienced.

I could hear 360 degrees around me.  Not with my ears but with my entire being which was energy.  I felt the vibration of sound far more accutely than hearing it.  Every sound passed through me in waves of vibrating bliss, energy moving through energy.   It was orgasmic.   Nothing was solid.  I was energy, everything was energy and all of the different fields of energy were moving through one another like clouds moving through clouds and I could perceive it all through this field of energy.

At times I was laughing in hysterics, the next moment in absolute stillness.  Lost in the awe of everything moving through everything.  The sound of the birds singing rushed through me in ecstasy.  Then the next moment completely lost in the beauty of an insect walking on the ground, it's every footstep was my footstep in absolute bliss.  

I wrote afterward:

"Everything that moved, moved through me, as me, as bliss.  All definitions gone.  All objects, even the "I" had no definition, it is all one.  All divine.  Divine bliss moving through divine bliss in absolute delight.  Everything I saw was complete, was totality.  The totality of everything, of the universe, existance and beyond.  Ants walking around were the totality.  Cosmic consciousness, feeling the entire universe and beyond in everything.

I was the moment itself, no separation, nothing else there but the experience in that moment.  Then attention moved to something else, and that was totality.  The words kept repeating "I am everything moving."

There were bursts of uncontrolled laughter, then absolute stillness, the complete dissolution of any form, and just - what to call it?  It had no name - the totality-cosmic consciousness - that is as close as I can come.  There was no "me", just the totality of the moment that was infinite.

I did not want to eat, fearing the food would lessen the state.  But by the time I made it to lunch (everyone had already left) and sat down to eat, every bit of food was divine.  Every bite would take me higher, dissolving again and again in the totality.  The food on my spoon was alive, aware, loving me, as me.  So much laughter, so much bliss.  Everything so funny, so un- serious, just a big cosmic joke.

After lunch, I went over to the trash bin and dish bin to sort out my dishes
and scraps.  But I could not move, just stood there in front of the garbage
bin laughing for half an hour.  Energy moving so powerfully through my
arms I was shaking.

Third Eye Awakening

I finally managed to put away my dishes and sat back down in the empty
dining hall.  A fly came and landed on my arm, looking at me and I at him. 
He flew up and tapped me on the third eye and then flew back to my other
arm.  Then again, flew up and tapped me on the third eye and flew back
to my other arm.  Over and over the fly did this.  I was completely
engrossed in every movement and each time he tapped my third eye,
the energy increased

Walking back on the side path, so engrossed in every blade of grass, every insect, the wind, the heat.  Every experience was totality.  I bent down and drew a smiley face in the sand.  It was alive, radiating joy and all I could do was laugh.
I drew another and another.  So much laughter. 
Life was a funny farm - a farm of funnies!

I felt I would be happy to live right there on that dusty road for the rest
of my life.
  I did not care if I lived or died or where I would sleep,
I was so fulfilled just being on that dusty path.  There was no wanting
or needing anything.  No needing to be a someone again or have a life.
I was happy to live the rest of my days on that road in complete devotion.
It was such a beautiful feeling.

But then I heard this beautiful music and was drawn to it in deep love
and ecstasy.  I followed it to a man sitting  on a chair on the lawn
playing his guitar.

I laid down on my back by his feet on the lawn.  Every musical note
like divine ecstasy moving through me and as me.  One breath I was
laughing in hysterics, the next absolutely sobbing in unconditional love.  

At some points, I would dissolve into stillness and had the experience
of shooting up out of my body through my third eye into space like
a bottle rocket and became everything at once.  I was the whole universe.  And there was a message, saying I was to love everyone as totality.  I was to serve totality and love as totality.  I could experience all and everything at once.  But that does not really say it.
There was so much joy, the shakti was so intense and I was laughing so hard that I had to put my hands over my eyes because it felt as though my eyeballs would pop out.  I could really feel them pressing against my hands about to pop out!  (Yes, I know, eyeballs don't pop out but that was the experience!)

The guitar player stopped playing and left but I remained lying there.  I knew it was already past time to go to the next session.  Yet also felt that the state would diminish when I entered a room full of people.  I considered to just stay there on the grass.  There was a lovely stray dog that came over and lied down next to me and we stayed like that together in bliss.  It was absolutely beautiful.  But then I felt it would be disrespectful to skip the session so I went.  

I went to my room to get my toothbrush first and saw a name tag with "Kip Mazuy" on it.  Somewhere in the mind was the info that supported that that was my name yet I knew there was no "Kip Mazuy."

My body took a while to recover from the energy that went through me that day.  The intense shakti that moved through me seemed to fry every energy pathway in my body.

I also want to note here that I had not taken any drugs, herbs, supplements, layhems, nothing.  This was purely natural.
3rd eye
third eye awakening
cosmic consciousness
Experience The Bliss for Yourself:
witness meditation
Click Here to Hear Free Samples
of the Pure Shakti Deep Meditation Music
witnessing meditation
Click Here to Hear Free Samples
of The Infinite Sky Meditation Music
Shakti Energy
Click Here to Hear Free Samples of Shakti Silence
Listen to a Sample of This Kundalini Energy Awakening Music on Youtube
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Ocean Euphoric Meditation CD & Book
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