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Awakening The Kundalini:
What is Kundalini Awakening,
How You Can Awaken the Kundalini
& Kundalini Awakening Experiences

What is Kundalini Awakening?

There are two different meanings to Kundalini Awakening:

1. Kundalini Awakening can mean awakening the kundalini energy, the energy of pure consciousness that awakens you to enlightenment.

With this type of energy awakening, you will start to feel an energy vibration or current moving in or around your body.  You may feel it just as a vibration, as a tingling experience or as bliss, peace or love.  By keeping your attention on this feeling of energy, meditation happens.

Once you start to feel this energy strongly, you will start to feel that you exist beyond the mind and body, as energy itself, as consciousness itself.  Just by letting your attention rest in this energy, the energy expandes and meditates you.  It intensifies and rises up your body to the higher chakra centers awakening you into deeper and deeper states of meditation.

2. Kundalini Awakening can also mean the awakening of the kundalini energy through the kundalini pathway that runs from the base of your spine, up your spine, up the back of your head and then out the top of your head.

With this type of kundalini awakening, the third eye & crown may also begin to awaken.

This type of kundalini awakening can be extremely pleasurable & powerful.
It is pure ecstasy to experience the rush of bliss that runs up the spine and
floods the body with bliss.  Often it will run through your entire body, not just the spine.

Often before this kundalini energy becomes pleasurable, there may be “kriyas”
spontaneous movements in the body that happen during meditation that help move
the kundalini energy through energy blocks in your body.

But when this energy is unhindered, it is extremely pleasurable.

It is very important that the body is very clear and light so the energy can move
unhindered.  This is one reason why it is very important to eat a very light and healthy diet and get exercise every day if you are serious about meditation.

The more clear, healthy and light the body is, the easier this energy can move and lead you into having a kundalini awakening. Chanting, prana exercises, yoga can all be helpful to clear these energy channels in your body.

awaken the kundalini
kundalini awakening experience

Awakening the Kundalini

Awakening the Kundalini mainly happens through receiving Shaktipat also known as Kundalini Energy. This is the easiest and most effective way to awaken the kundalini.

No matter what spiritual practice you do, it is Shakti that Awakens The Kundalini.

For thousands of years, the way to receive Kundalini Shakti was through an
enlightened Guru.  Just by sitting with such a Guru, Shakti is awakened  in you. 
You start to feel bliss vibrating in your body sitting in their presence.

This Shakti/bliss is of the highest intelligence.  It is this Shakti that awakens you
into enlightenment.  So just by feeling this bliss, the bliss meditates you and awakens
the energy channels in the body including the kundalini.

I offer Free Online Group Shakti Awakening Sessions.  We come together online
and very miraculously the Shakti/Kundalini Energy is awakened in you no
matter where you are in the world.  This is a very easy way to receive this energy.

If you fill in the form below, you go on the list to be notified of upcoming Shakti
Awakening Sessions.  Most find these sessions very blissful & a powerful calalyst to awaken their kundalini energy.  There is a beautiful group of people all around the world that are dedicated to sitting on these sessions so you will be in good company if you participate. 

These sessions are completely free.

Because of New Advances in Sound Recording, You Can Now Also Receive Kundalini Energy through Sound. 

Kundalini Energy is recorded on special audio equipment and then turned into sounds that you can hear and those sounds are turned into meditation music. Just by listening to this music, you receive Shakti and awaken into deep states of meditation and bliss.  Kundalini awakening happens naturally and safely by listening to these CDs. 

Have a listen to a couple of samples here.  The one on the left is a very sacred track designed to instantly give you a kundalini awakening experience (Entire track is 30 minutes)
If you relax while listening, you will feel peace or bliss vibrating in your body.
This is the kundalini energy. Thousands of people around the world are already experiencing incredible states of meditation and bliss while listening to these Kundalini Awakening CDs.

You Can Hear More Samples of This Kundalini Energy Music by Clicking Here.

Awakening The Kundalini

Breathing techniques are very helpful in helping kundalini awakening happen.

Try this breathing technique: Focus your attention on the base of your spine and as you inhale through your nose, gently pull the energy up your spine, up the back of your neck, back of your head and out the top of your head. On the exhale, rest in the experience of the bliss energy.

If you have a Guru, you may find it helpful to silently repeat their name on the inhale. This helps connect you to their Shakti transmission.  Or you can silently repeat "Om" on the inhale.

Or you can inhale through your nose counting to 3, hold the breath counting to 6 and exhale counting to 6 and repeat for 10 minutes or more.  This initiates the prana energy.

My Kundalini Awakening Experience.

I was in an ashram in India and received shaktipat from an enlightened teacher.
He placed his hands on my head for a minute and I sat down and meditated
afterwards without anything big happening. I felt a pain in my third eye, but I had
often experienced this.

After about an hour I got up and walked to the dining hall for lunch. I walked very
slowly, being watchful of my experience and the intense energy I felt in my third eye.

Something peculiar was happening inside me that made me stop walking.
I stood still for a minute but could not pinpoint what it was so I took another step.

My next step made everything clear.

On my next step, as the bottom of my right foot touched the ground, it seemed to
go right through the ground and extraordinary bliss energy came out through my
foot, up my leg, up my spine and out the top of my head.
With this, the most ecstatic bliss I had ever experienced flooded every part of my body.

With each step I took, this same orgasmic kundalini energy shot through my feet from the earth and flooded my body with ecstasy. The experience was so intensely blissful, I could only take one step and then remain in that ecstasy for some time before taking another. I cannot even begin to describe this state of ecstasy.  It was fantastic!

What also happened in this kundalini awakening experience was I could hear 360 degrees around me, not through my ears but through my whole body, even beyond my body. Every sound from all around me moved through me as this same bliss. Ecstatic energy moving through ecstatic energy.

Wherever I placed my attention became the totality. If I looked down at the ground and saw ants, I was totally immersed in the ants. The entire universe was there as those ants. I was not looking from any perception of ‘me’ anymore but as the totality. Then when I turned and looked at something else, the ants were completely gone and there was just that new thing I was looking at as the totality.  There was no "other" anywhere else, just the full totality of consciousness in every moment.

Just getting to the lunch hall took well over an hour in my state. Some part of my mind was worried eating would bring me down from this kundalini awakening but even the food was alive in bliss and every bite I took just brought more ecstasy.

I remember walking down back down this dusty path in India, trash everywhere, feeling I could live on that dusty path forever. I could not imagine a more beautiful existence then living homeless on that dirty road. It was a feeling of total satisfaction. Satisfaction being a million volts of bliss gushing through me as the totality of everything. Everything was of this one energy.

A few hours into this, I heard music and the sound itself was pure bliss moving through me. I was in love with it. Everything was so ecstatic! So I followed the sound to a man playing an acoustic guitar. I lay down on the grass and one moment was laughing and the next crying, both emotions gushing pure bliss. The bliss was gushing out of me so strong I had my hand over my eyes at times in fear my eyeballs would pop out!

Then something new happened: I shot out of my third eye like a rocket and became everything at once. Certain things were spoken to me and then after a while in this I came back down into my body. The guitarist had gone and a stray dog had cuddled up next to me.
awakening the kundalini
kundalini energy
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Is Awakening the Kundalini Dangerous?

I never had any bad effects from any kundalini awakening experience.  With the intensity of the kundalini described above, my body took a few days to recover.  It felt as though 10,000 volts going through 120 volt circuit.  My body was fried for a few days but then after that I was fine.

In any deepening in meditation, there will always be some upheaval and clearing.  When you awaken into a new state of peace, things that you are unconsciously holding on to that is incongruent with that peace may arise in your conscious awareness.  Just in allowing it and watching it, it passes and in doing so you move deeper into peace.  Again, a healthy diet and daily exercise, getting out for a walk and breathing fresh air makes everything much easier.

Those who I've spoken with who had a lot of uppheaval after a kundalini awakening were people who basically forced a kundalini awakening experience to happen without doing any of the necessary meditation, purification before hand.  The safest way to awaken the kundalini is through shakti whether through an enlightened teacher of the CDs I mentioned above.  Then the natural energy of bliss awakens you according to what your body can handle.

I make myself available online for anyone going through new experiences where they want clarification or problems they are trying to move through. 

It is important to remember that kundalini energy is not some force separate from you doing things to you.  Kundalini energy or shakti, is the essence of everything.  Awakening the kundalini really means you are awakening to the essence of reality.  And that essence is unconditional peace, bliss and love.  Any ill effects are simply the nasty things you have been carrying around that need to come out.  Once they pass you move deeper into peace.

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what is kundalini awakening

After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created meditation music that transmits to you the direct experience of bliss (Shakti) allowing you to experience deep states of meditation very quickly.

Thousands of People Have Experienced Incredible States of Meditation, Bliss &  Witness Consciousness While Meditating to His CDs Like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" &  "Shakti Silence."

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